Did you know?
Potential accuracy of facial recognition systems in ideal conditions
Revenue generated by the facial recognition market in 2020
Fully biometric curb-to-gate terminal with Delta Airlines at Atlanta Airport
Source: CSIS. Report Linker
Biometrics and Digital Identity
Biometrics is becoming increasing used for identification and access control in various industries due to its security, efficiency, hygienic and convenience features. Unlike traditional authorisation methods, such as PINs and passwords, biometrics cannot be lost, forgotten, exchanged, and is very difficult to forge.
Biometrics has become the ideal gateway to establishing a digital identity that bridges the gap between our physical and cyber identities. It can transform the experience of customers, employees, and bring a higher level of efficiency by enabling new applications and innovative digital services in public safety.
NEC has been a pioneer in multi-modal biometrics authentication with staggering advances over the years in both speed and accuracy. With over 1,000 customers across more than 30 countries, our expertise in unified communications and systems integration enables us to be one of the few companies that can offer an end-to-end solution — from hardware and networking to applications and support.
Trust the brand that’s trusted around the globe.