

Amazon has a long history of using a decentralised IT infrastructure. After over a decade of building and running the highly scalable web application, Amazon.com, the company realised that it had developed a core competency in operating massive scale technology infrastructure and data centres, and embarked on a much broader mission of serving a new customer segment – developers and businesses – with web services they can use to build sophisticated, scalable applications.

Today, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) is the fastest-growing multi-billion-dollar enterprise IT vendor in the world. AWS has been operating since 2006 and currently supports an almost limitless variety of workloads for millions of customers, including the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ) public sector. The AWS Cloud is uniquely positioned to provide scalable, cost-efficient solutions to the ANZ public sector, helping find ways cloud services can be employed to meet mandates, reduce costs, drive efficiencies, and increase innovation.

Learn more about AWS