How data is being used to improve transport customer outcomes
Watch this virtual panel, hosted in partnership with NEC and available on-demand now, to learn more about how transport authorities and operators are using data to improve their services, as well as how data can be used to improve transport accessibility outcomes. Hear from industry experts and accessibility advocates about how they’re using data to improve their services, and the challenges that they face in doing so ethically and responsibly.
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As transport systems become more connected, more and more transport operators are using data in a variety of ways to improve customer outcomes. Authorities and operators are gathering data from ticketing systems to analyse passenger flows; or information from telematics systems to analyse bus fleet performance or Transport Operator performance; or combing this data to create additional insights; as well as using much of this data via real-time systems to provide up-to-date information to customers via a variety of channels around their travel options – vehicle arrival times, vehicle crowdedness or insights around delays and diversions.
During this virtual panel, hear from transport authorities and operators as they discuss how they are using data to improve their services today, what their challenges are with data and how they plan to use data in the future. Also, listen to one of Australia’s leading accessibility and inclusion advocates share how data, when used in the right way, can improve travelling outcomes for people with a disability.
Key learnings:
Explore how operators and authorities are using data to make their bus services more efficient and more convenient for their end-users and the community Learn from accessibility advocates about where they see opportunities for service improvement in public transport and how data can help with achieving these improvements Learn from GWRC and Transport Canberra about how they are using data today in their daily operations and their plans for the future.
Moderator: Lauren Streifer, Chief Executive Officer of the Public Transport Association Australia New Zealand (PTAANZ)
Andrew Myers, Customer Insights and Assets Manager at Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) Ben McHugh, Deputy Director-General of Transport Canberra and Business Services at Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate Christopher Moore, National Head of Strategy & Analytics at ComfortDelGro Australia Dylan Alcott, 2022 Australian of the Year, NEC Ambassador and Leading Disability Advocate and Consultant.