The NEC Windows Collaboration Board improves remote working for Venues NSW
13/1/23, 9:30 am
As restrictions for COVID have eased and workers have returned to their offices, Venues NSW began looking at ways they could cater to the new requirements of remote working.
IT were looking for a solution that would make the hybrid work model easier for those in and out of the office.
“We had people working in the same office joining meetings from their laptops to cater for one individual working remotely. We had previously trialled other technologies that promised the world, but when it came to usability, we weren’t able to find something simple enough for everyone to use without IT having to be there to support it every meeting.” Tim Blight, Head of Technology, Venues New South Wales.

NEC Solution
NEC determined the Windows Collaboration Display (WD551) would be an ideal solution to streamline meetings and foster collaboration. The WD551 allows users simply connect their own device via the secure USB-C cable to immediately share content and start video meetings.
“We use the WD551 in our meeting rooms to allow for a mix of staff working from home and in the office. Teams is our primary platform, but the ease of using the WD551 means we’re suddenly able to move people away from meetings on individual computers to cater for that one person who is isolating.” Tim Blight, Head of Technology
The Result
“Silence is the key indicator of success, along with the fact that the room we’ve installed it in is constantly booked out. Users have taken to it like a duck to water and calls to the helpdesk have dropped to zero for help with video conferencing in those rooms. It’s so intuitive and easy for staff to use.” Tim Blight, Head of IT